torsdag 22 april 2010

Our future project: "We are what we eat" 2

Here is the project planning document that we settled for!

The heading in this blog

I took this photo that I've used in the heading two years ago at my parent's summer house by the sea (the Bothnia sea). It's in April when the ice and the snow starts thewing and melting. The houses are old fishermen houses that are still used today. Behind this small island the sea is open and all you see is the sea! In a clear day you can just about guess the coastline of Finland on the opposite side.

Karin's diigo

Karin's diigo

Our future project: "We are what we eat"

With one group member from the "food valley" and another one suggesting the topic, yet a third member encouraging this with enthusiasm I think it is very probable that we will end up starting this for real in September 2010! What do you think, dear colleagues? I think this is a great topic which fits my sport students perfectly!

måndag 19 april 2010

I've used slideshare for the first time


I will make more presentations using slideshare but enjoy this one for now, these are snow sculptures that appear in the largest park in town during winter. Every year a new one with a toboggan for the children to go down (brave adults as well...)

söndag 18 april 2010

I've created a Wordpress blog too!

Click on this to get to my recently created first Wordpress blog. I am not familiar with them at all, have never ever read a blog in Wordpress before. So right now I am looking into the advantages and disadvantages with a Wordpress blog compared to a Blogspot blog.

updated: I've never used wordpress before but it seems as if you need more knowledge in html-code for to customize it, i. e. change colours and so on in the template. But, the advantage seems to be that it has more pages to it so that it appears to be more like a home page.

fredag 16 april 2010

torsdag 15 april 2010